Nueva Companera
So i got "mi hija" on Tuesday afternoon! Her name is Hermana Canales and she is 20 years old and from Peru. I was really nervous the entire day about being a trainer and everyone kept coming up to me and congratulating me but I really was so nervous that I really had no idea what to say!
But being a trainer really is hard! And i got to bed exhausted everyday! I guess that I am just trying to think of all the things that we need to do, making sure that we are using our time effectively, and that I am being a good example. President Smith emphasized again that the success of the mission lies in our hands, that we need to set the example for how to work and be obedient.
But i have really stepped out of my comfort zone because i am a trainer. And the Lord has really helped me with what I need to say and do. I am so thankful that I am not doing this work alone, but have the Holy Ghost as my constant companion, and the Lord to help me every step of the way.
We don't have a lot of investigators right now, so we are doing a lot of contacting to find new people to teach! And since Hermana Canales is new she is really nervous about contacting and doesnt really speak up very much. But this has really come to push me out of my comfort zone, as now i literally will go up to anyone and start talking to them! Weird, right? SOmething that I would have never done before. But something that the Lord has really helped me with!
Hermana Canales and I are learning together. It is really true what everyone says here, that when you are a trainer you learn what it really is like to be a missionary! Because you really have to do everything, as your companion is new and doesnt know what it is like to be a missionary out in the field.
I do miss Hermana Pena, she got sent off to Huehuetenango! Which is like 3 hours aways! But i am so thankful for her example and all the things that she had taught me. It makes being a trainer a little bit easier!
Wednesday night we had a lesson with Guisela The lesson we had seriously brought the spirit so strongly. And I knew that it was the perfect opportunity to ask her to be baptized.... and gues what!? She finally committed to be baptized! Seriously from the first time that she was contacted until now it has been 5 months! 5 months! And she finally accepted!
I must admit that when she first said yes i was absolutely shocked! And really didnt believe that it was real. When she left the room to go and get food for us to eat, i asked her kids if she was serious. And they said that she has been praying a lot about what she needs to do! But Satan has really been working hard in making sure that this baptism doesnt happen as almost everyday this week they have had members from the church of God over at there house and having some sort of activity!
So we will continue to prepare her for her baptism. But please keep her in your prayers that she will stic with her baptsim date for this Saturday! I know Satan is really working on her but I also know that the strength of the Lord always overpowers that of Satan!
Umm... Que?
So this week while we were visiting with the familia Garcia there was a knock on the door. One of the kids went to answer it and later came back saying that whoever was at the door wanted to talk with us.... what!? So weird that someone came searching for us...
Anyways, it was a lady who wanted us to come and visit her house and meet her son. She wants us to go with her at that same moment so that we can know exactly which house is hers, for us to come later that week and teach them. So we go with her to know her house and meet her son. But her son looks and seems like he is half drunk, and on top of that has a ton of tattoos. We also seem him looking through the window as we are walking up to the house, and when get to the house the mom walks inside, calls him, and asks him if he was sleeping, to which he replies yes. Even though we know he wasnt becuase we saw him looking, waiting for us in the house.
The whole thing was really weird and we just shared with them a pamphlet about the Plan of Salvation and told them that we would come back later that week to teach them. But when we returned and started walking to the house, we heard laughing and talking and realld just didnt feel right, so we decided that it would be better if we let the elders teach them.
The whole situation was just really werid. But i am really thankful for the Holy Ghost and for His promptings and warnings!
Como Esta?
So we have this new investigator family that we are just starting to get to know and teach. We went on Thursday to go and teach them but they werent home, as we are walking back to go to another home we see them walking, returning home. We stop to talk to them and the conversation went something like this:
"come esta"
"un poco mal"
To which i ask, "porque?"
"por que mi papa murio."
It is safe to say that i was speechless! Those were not the words that i was expecting to hear come out of her mouth! But we were able to call the elders to give them blessings as well as talk a little bit about the plan that God has for us. And although a really sad time for them in there lives, there isnt a better time to teach them about the gospel and how it can bless there lives. But please pray for them, familia Chay Morales, from them to feel peace and comfort!
La Vida
I came across this scripture during my personal study this week and for some reason it really stuck with me. It is found in Mosiah 1:17
"Therefore, as they were unfaithful they did not prosper nor progress in their journey, but were driven back, and incurred the displeasure of God upon them..."
This is life! When we have faith and follow the things that God commands, we are blessed, we grow, and progress in life. When we are disobedient, do our will instead of the Lords, we are driven back. We no longer have the help of the Lord and do not progress or grow.
Always remeber that without God we are nothiing, we need Him in our life! But also remeber that He is always here for us, He is on our side, willing to help, lead, and guide us in our journey of life!
I love and miss you all so much! You are always in my thoughts and prayers! Always remember to stand in high and holy places. A quote from conference, cant remember who said it but ask yourself daily,
" Which way do you face"
La amo mucho!
Hermana Loo
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Hermana Canales y yo
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Ashley with her name tag hahaha "Talaitupu". Anyone who asks her what her name is she replies Talaitupu |
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Hermana Pena, yo y Hermana Canales
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supposedly the waters of Mormon! The photo does not do it justice
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Hermanas in la zona Totinicapan
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